
Imanol Sánchez

He is Doctor (Cum Laude) in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU and currently works as a teacher at the same university. His thesis “Typification and practice of artistic works based on ambient light” was defended in February 2020. During the investigation, he has completed different artistic residencies such as Casa de Velázquez in 2017 or the BilbaoArte Fundazioa Foundation in 2016 and 2023. Likewise, he has obtained several production grants and notable awards such as Eusko Ikaskuntza-Laboral Kutxa 2022, VEGAP 2022 and the Labore Scholarship for site-specific projects in museums in Gipuzkoa both in 2019 and 2018. His academic training is completed with the Master in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (2021), the Master in Contemporary, Technological and Performative Art (2015) and the Degree in Art (2014), titles linked to the Faculty of Teaching of Leioa and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UPV-EHU. He also has a degree in Teaching from the E.U. of Donostia, UPV-EHU (2010).