Lourdes de la Villa
She received her doctorate in 2011 with the thesis The visual as construction. Development of a pictorial model of image representation, where she develops a history of vision, a theory about visual function and an experimental model about the visual phenomenon from the point of view of what artistic representation tells us about the process visual as a way of knowing the world. In 2014 she carried out a research stay at the CIPEI Center for Research, Production and Image Studies of the FAD, Faculty of Arts and Design of the UNAM, Mexico D.F., joining the Permanent Art Research Seminar. Image and Reality. She has carried out different artistic creation projects financed by competitive call for entities such as the Basque Government, the Provincial Council of Vizcaya, the Kunthaus Bregenz, the BBK foundation, the BilbaoArte foundation, the Etxepare Institute. She has published in 2018 in the ANIAV magazine the original research article Correlato de la figura del observador. Statute of the world in its imaginary foundations, where she studies memory as a specific domain of access to the world through the visual channel, conceptualizing the environment as the object of perception and as a shaper of an “atomic social context”. Her current line of research continues to delve into the study of the domain of visual consciousness, and she wonders about the structure of intentionality as its counterpart. From this main line, new aspects of investigative interest are emerging along the way, such as the question about the role of art in the debate about overcoming the Anthropocene. The basic methodological feature used from the beginning of his research activity continues to be considering the psychic apparatus that is mobilized in “making images” as a reflection of what happens with vision in the brain.